Thursday, July 14, 2011

am i back?

I am trying to blog again. years after I wrote my last. I don't really know why I stopped, but now I am finding more reasons not to start writing again.

For one, my most ardent reader, my biggest fan is gone, leaving me thinking if my life is worth writing about, again.

So I will take small steps, baby steps, and see where this will take me.

A friend once asked (I don't remember exactly what his question was, but it was to this effect...): "What will make you happy, or make you feel fulfilled or successful?" Without batting an eyelash, I told him: " Ever since Daddy passed on, I cannot see how I can ever feel fulfilled, be successful or truly happy, knowing that a big part of me is now missing, someone who has been the biggest influence, supporter and mentor."

So I take things slow now. One day at a time. Small steps. Baby steps.

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