Friday, November 03, 2006

I, Horse

I’ve acquired a new hobby.

I’ve been wanting to learn how to paint and follow the footsteps of my uncle, my aunt and of course my dad. He has taken up painting as a hobby a few years back and once he sent me a few of his finished works. They were small paintings of landscapes and seascapes and from then on I told myself I would someday learn to make something like that.

Last week, I received a small package from my dad containing two sets of paint-by-number art works. A paint-by number set consists of a canvas with a featured sketch, a set of numbered acrylic paints and a brush. All you have to do is follow the number codes, blend acrylic paints according to the codes and proceed with the painting.

I immediately started on the first one and here is what I came up with:

Not bad, according to my dad, and advised me to brace myself for the real thing. He has already sent my painting materials (brushes, an easel, canvasses, acrylic paints and lots of good luck) and they should be here by end of November. I’m so excited!

By the way, what do you think should I call my untitled artwork?


joven said...

I, Horse?

dionne said...

My First Horse?

John Calica said...

A Horse With No Name. Hehehe