Friday, March 24, 2006


Its been a while since I wrote here, and much, oh so much has happened since then.

For one, I let go of the studio type apartment I was renting with Nonoy and we now live with my big sister in Pasig.

So far it’s been good. It’s nearer my office so waking up is not a big hassle anymore. Another plus is that I get to see my nephew everyday. The only downside is that I don’t get to spend much time with my friends, being far away and all. I do miss my friends, it’s just that along with my move is a restructuring done in our office, which resulted in tons of responsibility for myself. I often get migraines because of stress.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love my job. In fact I welcome the challenge of team leading the training group. But sometimes I do feel worn out. It’s a good thing that I have coworkers who are more than willing to help me out when it’s tough.

My coworkers and I started a badminton date every Thursday. Its our way of relieving stress and enjoying something together at the same time. We had the most fun last week when we played for the first time. I hope we can do this regularly, it’s not only good exercise but a way to see each other in a different light. At least our interactions aren’t confined within the four wall of the office alone.

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