Monday, March 27, 2006


Felt sad today.

I just learned that one of my officemates is thinking of leaving SMC. I felt sad because he’s one really great guy, in terms of work competencies and building friendships. In a short time, I’ve come to appreciate the person that he is, the kind of father, husband and friend that he is. I also learned much from him, as he is always willing to share what he knows and finds joy and being able to teach.

But then again, his reasons for leaving are quite valid, and I’m sure that he will have better opportunities elsewhere. It’s just sad knowing that a person can truly be a victim of circumstances, of which he has no control. In the past, I always believed that you always have a hand on things that will happen to you, but with his sad story, I realized that sometimes that is not the case.

I just wish him well, since that is all I can do. And I just hope the friendship will remain.

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