Monday, April 03, 2006

A pat on my back

Oh goodness, I can’t believe I survived the last four days!

I was conducting since Tuesday the Human Resource Management Program with SMC HR practitioners as participants. This is a huge thing for the training group because the program is the brainchild of our HR director and requires close coordination with about 12 resource speakers for the 4 day run. Just when I thought that everything was in place, I get a text message from 2 of my resource speakers on the first day, that they couldn’t possibly conduct their module because of flu. Goodness! So I ended up conducting their module instead. Fortunately, my participants never noticed the difference. That is even though I started studying the lecture just a few hours before.

Aside from that highly stressful program, I was conducting simultaneously on Thursday, an accreditation of Training Service Providers. So I was running from one building to the other, in my pumps!

Just when I was ready to put my feet up and get some rest, I got a text confirming my get together with my old office friends. Cecil came home from Illinois for a short vacation and is leaving on Sunday. So, tired as I was, I had to ride the MRT and walk to our meeting place in Glorietta. But had the most fun that night. We spent the whole night laughing about the most inane things. We of course ended dinner with coffee at Starbucks, but surprisingly, we all felt sleepy after drinking coffee. We also called Odette, now living and Sanfo, the other quarter of our foursome, but she was on her way to the office so we didn’t get to talk to her long. I got home really late but good thing the car fetched me so I didn’t have a hard time going home despite the rain.

Tonight, as I was looking back at the events of the past four days, I felt really proud of myself. I accomplished much, in terms of work responsibilities and nurturing relationships. So I give myself a pat on the back…

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