Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Vision in Yellow

My goodness! Today we went to my sister's couturier for our gown fittings. It's barely 2 months to go before her wedding, thus the need to make sure that we stuck to our previous measurements. So there we were, 7 ladies of the bridal entourage, putting on our yellow gowns. And when i say yellow, i mean YELLOW!

Oh well, there's nothing we can do anyway so instead of complaining, we just made fun of ourselves. In fairness, my gown was a little loose (yeah right!).

After the fitting, we devoured some delicious fried chicken at Johnny's, a small eatery in the outskirts of pasig. The food was delish, but the place wasn't as clean as we wanted it. So there we were, all 12 of us, stuffing our faces with chicken and pansit. Ate and I went home afterwards because we were planning to have a foot spa. Good thing, our suking manikurista who does home service was available for the day and she even has the gadgets and gizmos and potions and what have you for a truly glorious foot spa! Hah, finally my feet felt a little pampering today.

Going back to my freaking yellow gown...There really was no problem with wearing yellow, but my goodness, when I saw myself in the mirror, I was a bit horrified. My vision in yellow seemed to yell back at me: Two months to go, what the heck are you gonna do?!!

Of course the quintessential answer...starve myself... if i can help it. :-)

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