Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Gifts of '07

I guess I'm a couple of weeks late in writing this blog but then again i haven't found the time until now.

Last night, a tragedy happened. Lyndon left his brand new cellphone in the taxi. He called me up just before he stepped out of the cab so we knew exactly where he left it. It was barely 4 days old and friends who saw it said it was a good buy... well, now its a good bye (pun intended hahaha)! He was feeling so down that i had to tell him to just pray for the guy who got it, and hope that he be blessed by having it. I couldn't believe i told him that, PRAY i mean...but one of the greatest gifts '07 brought was the gift of prayer. I re-discovered prayer when we started attending The Feast in March'07 and since then, i started appreciating again the powers of faith and humility.

Aside from the above (and to further veer away from the sad story of the lost cellphone), let me make a list of the gifts (or blessing) i received in the past year. In no particular order, here it goes...
  1. A new apartment that's big enough, nice enough and near enough (to my office and my sister's house).
  2. A promotion that rewarded my hard work and added a few more cash to my pocket
  3. A church service to attend that reinforces my faith and allows me to appreciate God's presence in my life (add to that, a roster of great preachers)
  4. A stable job for Lyndon that improved our finances and boosted his self confidence.
  5. A week-long vacation in Cebu with my mom that allowed us to rediscover each other and improved our relationship
  6. A great boss (also a great friend and confidante), who allows me to soar as high as she believes I can
  7. Great friends who despite my shortcomings are ready to forgive and (hopefully) forget
  8. A best friend who has memorized and adapted to my quirks and remained to be one of my biggest fans.
  9. My dad who roots for me in every endeavor I take and loves me beyond measure and understanding
  10. My family who's always fun and funky, and all the good that comes with it.
  11. Kira Isobel who at less than 2 months old is gearing up to be the next darling of the family
  12. Wifi connection that allows me to hook up (through YM) with old friends who have been out of touch for years
  13. The opportunity to stay in my job amidst the horrors of restructuring
  14. TV fare that allows me relax on weekends or after a day's hard work
  15. Jef and his squeals of delight when he sees me, and his great big hug to boot
  16. "Tulisans" who remained to be good friends outside the walls of HOC

There's got to be more than what I listed here, because '07 was one good year for me...but the challenge has always been seeing that one moment, one person or thing as a true blessing.

Maybe I'll challenge myself this year, at the end of each day, I will write down one blessing that came my way. And by then end of '08, I would have a longer list.

I can't wait!

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